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bark shark

Can I mount any quiver to the Bark Shark?

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The simple answer is yes! If you have an extra quiver mount, you can easily screw the mount into the Bark Shark.

Which quivers work with the Bark Shark?

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Every Bark Shark comes with a Kwikee Kwiver attachment. We also offer a mount for Mathews Web Quivers.

What size tree or limb can I mount the Bark Shark on?

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The Bark Shark supplies cord to work with trees up to 18" in diameter and a s small as 2".

Is there a weight limit on the Bark Shark?

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The maximum reccomended weight limit for the Bark Shark and accessory hooks is 40lbs.

Where is the Bark Shark Made?

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The Bark Shark is proudly made in the USA

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